How I Got a Good Quality of Sleep Every Night

Linda’s initial thoughts were about getting in to the notion is a waste of time as far as she’s concerned, she sleeps well, goes to bed and sleep but the only thing is, in her whole life, she had a problem with snoring – that she thinks has been a joke in the family. Here’s her story:

Staff: Thank you for coming to Dr. Levi Sleep Clinic. So, tell us some, where it all started when you saw the GP. He recommended a sleep study, what were your initial thoughts?

Linda: Well, I thought I’d go through the notion. It’s a waste of time because as far as I’m concerned, I sleep well. I go to bed and you know I do go to sleep. The only thing is when I was a little child, I had a problem with snoring. It’s been a joke in the family because I used to make this unbelievable sound. My adenoids removed when I was a child but it’s still continued. So I thought I’ve had to do the study and then Dr. Levi suggested I try the machine. I’ll just go with it but I can honestly say from the very first night, I felt the difference between the quality of sleep I’ve always had and with the machine. You know, I never realized the difference obviously with the machine. I have the opportunity to go into a deep sleep. I can honestly say it has changed everything for me.

Staff: So now you’re getting quality sleep every night.

Linda: Yeah, I’d like to get more sleep because of my work schedule, I don’t get enough sleep. But I do know the sleep that I’m getting. I don’t get up at night the way I used to fall five times, six times and not looking at the clock every hour. Now I go to sleep, I wake in the morning and it’s fantastic.

Staff: Yeah. I want to say it’s so good to hear. Thanks, Linda!


Snoring is not a joke and might become a serious problem over time.

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